Friday 17 June 2011

Comic Reviews

Three of the best comics I read this week.  Normally, I would have not placed Batman on this list, but this week was tough money wise, so I will have to save Avengers #14 (which has been getting good reviews) for next week.

Uncanny X-Men # 538

Written by Keiron Gillen.

This issue concludes the Breaking Point story, and does so very well. Kitty Pride is back to normal and has a a sweet scene with Colllosus at the end. The issue mostly deals with Kruun attacking the X-Men and the action is good. The ending between the Breakworlders and what happens to them afterward makes sense and is fitting.  A very good comic book.



Written by Mark Waid
Art by Mirco Pierfederici

Ruse concludes its four issue mini-series here, and continues to be excelllently written and heaps of fun. The relati0onship between the two main characters Simon, and Emma is one of  the best in comics. I've loved this series and cannot wait to see what they do with it in the near future. The art is good but could be a lot better and that's really my only niggle, becuase the story is fantasitc. Reccomended to anyone, particular mystery fans or those who enjoy a good Sherlock Holmes type story.


Batman #711

Written by Tony Daniel

A lot of people say that Mr Daniel's writing is poor, but for some reason I fail to see why. This issue continues the Two-Face story and is solid. Perhaps it isn't the best batman ever written, but it's by far not the worst. I enjoyed it personally and I'm beggining to feel bad about wanting to read the Snyder written Batman when it relauches in september, instead of sticking with Tony and reading Detective Comics.  The only way to imrove it practise, so I for one am happy for Tony Daniel to keep writing and grow.

The story itself involves Two Face loosing his coin, the Riddler and Enigma engaging him in some yet to be revealed plot, Gilda Dent's return, Mario Falcone and leaves room for very little Batman.

Solid story, detent art. Nothing special but still worthwhile for bat-fans.


Wednesday 8 June 2011

Daredevil News

Fox has a screenwriter and story line for it's new David Slade directed Daredevil reboot according to The Hollywood Reporter. Fringe writer-producer Brad Caleb Kane is set to base his draft on Miller and Mazzucchelli's "Born Again" arc.

While this good news for Daredevil fans, are we ready for more Matt Murdock in the movies? Is it a good plan to use the kingpin as the villain of the piece once again or should they have tried something else? Will Fox simply ruin the franchise and prevent Marvel from ever making their own version?

We'll have to wait and see I guess.

Monday 6 June 2011


I've fallen a little behind with this project due to being lazy and addicted to a new game. However to prevent this happening again I've decided on a new way to provide reviews of comics each week. Instead of full reviews for each book I read I will do little reviews on all of them and maybe a bigger more in depth review of my pick of the weeks comics, the one comic I think you guys should pick up before all else.

Look out for that stuff later this week.

Thursday 2 June 2011

X-Men: First Class

I saw X-Men First Class yesterday, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Putting aside the niggles like deviations from the source material, the film is fun and feels fresh. The actors mostly do a great job and the plot is pretty cool. I liked it a lot and laughed at some lines and got excited about some cameos and Easter Eggs I spotted.

At first I was worried this movie would be terrible and a step down even from X3 and Wolverine: Origins. In fact it improves on both those films. I do read X-Men and know a fair amount about the characters and world from the comics, and while the films may never represent that perfectly, they seem to be on the right track again. 

Thursday 26 May 2011

Comic Review: Amazing Spider-Man #662

Amazing Spider-Man #662

The Substitute part two

Written by Christos Gage with Art by Reilly Brown.

Beginning with the cover; it's okay. That's about all. It's not original or exciting, just a showcase of the characters. The interior art is good, the action scenes particularly are well done, which is good because this issue has a lot of them.

The story continues from the previous crossover with Avengers Academy and involves Spidey trying to take out the Avengers Academy students and stop them hurting civilians while they are mind-controlled by Psycho-Man.  There are some good jokes that had giggling a little which I do enjoy. It's why I like Spider-Man in the first place. The ending is corny as hell but the back-up story by Frank Tieri makes up for it. It's a decent little story that just helps improve the issue as a whole, and a nice surprise.

Having said all that, I can't wait to get back to the Spider-Man stories we've been reading since Big Time started. It's been consistently good, except for the slight niggle in the form of the FF crossover which was very average.  

Story: 3 out of 5 
Art: 3 out of 5 

An average issue.